Saturday, July 23, 2016

Our Responsibilty To Ourselves As Sentient Beings


Being a sentient being means being responsive to or conscious of sense, impression, sensitive in perception or feeling, being aware. What exactly does this mean, what does this definition encompass? In my opinion, it includes all life(energy).


We as humans tend to think we're above all life. I do not think so. All energetic beings have an energy frequency that makes us who/what we are. We are unique, but similar. Our frequency is what makes us what we are. A blade of grass, a tree, an animal - of the field, sea, or air, rocks, water, and air all have energetic frequency. Now the question would be do we feel more than any of these, or just differently?


It was once thought that because these other energetic beings didn't seem to communicate discomfort or joy, that they were not sentient. This is where mainstream gets the notion that we as humans are better/higher beings. Again, I disagree. I am glad to see Science coming around and recognizing that we are not the only sentients on the planet.


Consider this, houseplants respond to our emotions and our care of them. When it is tended well it is happy and vibrant. When neglected, not even grossly, it is limp and sad. In the forests where heavy toxic air is abound trees get sick. Animals in their natural environs thrive and are full of life, contain them and they do not thrive as well, though some may fare better if given good care it is still not the same as in their natural habitat. Water too, records all it is ever in contact with, it has a memory. It reacts and shows its fulfilment or discomfort by its quality. Rocks have the ability to aid in balancing human energies and are used for physical and emotional healing in the field of metaphysics. These beings may not use words but they do communicate and contribute to our lives, as we should also contribute to their greater good and mutual benefit.


I believe that as we show greater love and respect for all sentient/energetic beings we benefit. We receive so much from these beings and they too should benefit from us. This is why I feel it is so important for me to bless and send Reiki to all energetic beings. I am honored to share this existence with such an abundance of knowledge and energetic exchange with all life. There is much to be gained by giving and receiving fully and freely. I take to heart the lessons I learn from all energy.


We have much to learn. I truly hope that I can see the day when we as humans take the lessons from all energetic beings, apply them to their lives, and prosper from it. I long for a time of remembrance, connectedness, and the realization of all. We are all dependant upon each other. What we put out energetically affects all energy. May we find that love of all is what we need to heal our planet, ourselves and all therein.

Be good to yourselves and all around you and see the changes for good unfold.  I wish you life abundant with love, light, and peace - Blessings!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Lessons From Nature


Last Saturday, I had the good fortune to start my day with several visits from a lively yellow Finch. I took its message to heart and am grateful for the lessons learned as a result. I was open to receive many more revelations throughout the day, some that are personal and some I will share. 

I shared on the Facebook page a post about the bird's message, which was simple and direct. It wanted me to be joyous in discovering my own song, to find joy in the simple things of my life, and to make an honest connection with nature. It was a timely message as we had planned a road trip on the Harley and I would have ample time to put these principles to practice. 

We road the Beartooth Highway, Montana/Wyoming border. I saw creatures, various landscapes, skylines - cloud formations, it was a smorgasbord to the senses and spirit. I found joy, my heart did sing, and I felt truly connected with Earth Mother and the bounty of creation and creative inspiration she provides through nature. 

I was able to meditate on the messages Spirit had lined up for me and the knowledge of how to apply them in my life. I learned from the breezes to listen intently and speak softly. I learned from the clouds to pay close attention, what I perceive to be the message may not be, as life is constantly changing. I learned from the waters to go with the flow and to be happy to be not thinking or caring which way a passage will take me but to be happy just being and moving with the whole. There were so many lessons revealed, even with animal visitations.

The point I want to convey is to get out there, see, feel, do. Go seek with open heart the lessons nature may have for you. Be good to yourselves - Blessings!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Finding Offerings and Meditation in Our Labors

There are times when life seems to get away from us. We get pulled in many directions; family, community, jobs, personal interests, and all the responsibilities that come with these aspects of our lives. 

It is important to find time to connect with ourselves and make time to be in the present. In a post from my other blog I talk about finding joy in the mundane. here is the link... 

Today, I celebrate the peace and joy I can find in the menial tasks of the day and how with the right state of mind, doing these tasks help keep me in the present as well as become my offerings or source for meditation.

I have been blessed lately to be building a yard and renovating my home, making it truly my own. As I till the ground and prepare for planting a sacred space, my herbal garden, I stay focused on the rhythm of the work as I break it up in repetitive motions. As I sift the broken soil clods I am sanctifying the area for purpose and offering my labor and creativity to establish the garden. As I plant seeds and transplant some plants into the area, I am consecrating the efforts of my labors, the intents for these plants, and showing gratitude for the opportunity to beautify the area. I am also making a sacred place with purpose, and honoring these gifts with the time, intent, and funds needed to create the offering that honors and blesses. All the while, being in the present, doing tasks that may seem tedious or mundane (such as washing dishes), I am able to instead of feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work, stress, fatigue, and other symptoms, I can find peace and joy in my offerings and meditations in the work of my day.  

I can also enjoy the abundance that blesses me as it all comes full circle. The fruits of my labors come to pass, honoring my offerings, meditations and intentions, and my being present. It truly is amazing that as we live in the moment, all else falls into place. There really is no need for worry, getting caught up in chaos, or living imbalanced, when living abundantly is in our own hands, hearts, and minds. We only need to set intentions and live accordingly to see it through, manifesting a life of our own creation.

Find a small project to focus on that would already be in your routine and see for yourself that we can be mindful, live in the present, and create a happier life, making offerings and meditations of our labors.

Be good to yourselves - Blessings!