Thursday, June 30, 2016

Grounding and Protection

After much reflection and gathering of thoughts to share what works for me, as a way of helping others, to be better protected and grounded, I write this post.

As an empathic light worker, I have found that being well grounded and protected is vital to getting through day to day life and actually living. I have daily, weekly, preparatory, and occasional rituals. These include smudging, offering of herbs, crystal grids and intention alters, use of essential oils, candles, inscence, yoga, walks by the river and or in the woods, meditation, Reiki (personal, distance for Universal needs, Earth Healing, and clients - human and animal). These things are an integral part of making me the balanced healer I strive to be.

Herbs that I use to smudge with and burn as offering include White Sage, for cleansing/clearing and dedication, Sweet grass for purification and honoring my ancestors, Tobacco for greater communication with Spirit and to balance mind, body, spirit as a way to encourage and strengthen peace keeping, Palo Santo for purification and better connectivity to Spirit, Lavender to invite Spirit, Cedar to protect and cleanse(it is also called upon for healing sickness), Frankincense to invite and encourage better communication with the Spiritual Realm and as a pleasing offering, Sandalwood to help with psychic gifts, and also with meditation and protection. There are more, but these are my basic Staples.

I use other herbs that seem pleasing and I go by instinct in much the same way as with the above mentioned herbs. I use these in tandem with Reiki, amplifying the benefits, drawing on the healing, centering, and protecting powers of Reiki. I liberally use the symbols and call upon my guides - (angels, Ascended Masters, Reiki guides, ancestors, elemental, and others), they are invaluable to me.

For protection just about all the black stones are wonderful. Many take on negative energies and are self cleansing, though I still cleanse and infuse with Reiki. My go to crystals for protection are Black or Brown Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Flourite, these are grounding, protective, and uplifting stones. Hematite, a choice stone of mine, is an awesome grounding stone as well. It is protective as well as memory enhancing, especially concerning spiritual lessons.

There are times that being ungrounded is necessary, but protection during, grounding afterward, and stabilizing are vital when doing the work that would call for this.

These are some of the rituals that help ground me and what I do for protection:

I start my day before my feet on the ground with my hands at my chest and solar plexus, I speak my gratitude for the new day focusing on the outpouring of love from my heart and I in turn soak in the love that pours back through me from divine love and light confirming my gratitude and desire to serve this new day. I then recite the Reiki principles. I get up and partake of gassho meditation. If it's a hop out of bed get busy day, I instead ground myself with a quick meditation on my intentions and a mantra I use that helps me to quickly get there. This sustains me until I can have my morning gassho.

Some days don't agree with what I would like, so I live what I have. Either way, I am sure to visualize myself enveloped with white light that encircles me like a forcefield. This shield only allows positive energy and dispels and disperses negative energy, transmuting it into more positive energy as it is absorbed by Earth Mother where I am grounded and connected to the here and now, free to live life on my terms. I acknowledge my own power and boundaries and invite Universal Energy to course through me and be my constant companion. With these three components I am free to do the work of the day.

This really takes minutes, it can seem like a Narnian experience when one thinks they've been gone hours or days, but it was truly a blink of an eye. When I have the luxury of gassho first thing, I can allow Reiki to run fully through me, invite my angels, guides, ancestors, the directional spirits, and elements to be with me to lead, guide, nurture, sustain, and heal me as I work. I ask for discernment and wisdom to know when and where to send Reiki and to be present. I send Reiki to the Earth, her inhabitants, and the human situation daily. I then allow my guides to communicate and administer to me. I do this twice daily, at least. The first to offer myself, the second to reflect upon the day and my life lessons that were within, and to express gratitude for the honor to be of service. I also at some point in the day self treat at least once. Not always can I do all the hand positions. I don't worry so much about that as I trust in Reiki's ability to know and go where it is needed most. I try to tend to my Chakras daily, balance is vital to maintain grounding.

When I first started my Reiki practice, I was wide open and not as protected. I learned as an empathic light worker, I had to maintain myself for better flow and the ability to release energy that isn't mine back to the Universe.

I set different crystal grids with their intent. I create altars with crystals and herbs for healing, abundance, peace and harmony. These things bring me great happiness and assist me in my work. When life gets to be too much, I visit these altars and find peace. There are times when I may not be present, just seeing or passing them brings me back to recollection of what I am about. I of course have my personal medicine bag with what I'm guided to put together for my present needs. I also create blends of herbs and crystals for protection in the car or on the motorcycles. Reiki and direct communication with the spirits and Earth Mother are my most crucial protection.

Instinct is imperative to knowing what is best for us as we practice on ourselves and others. Trust what you feel drawn to do, trust in the knowing.

This is just an example of a normal day in my life. I have other rituals, but these are my daily routine rituals. I hope this helps some of you. Feel free to ask for clarification.

In Love and Light I share the little knowledge I have at this time. Be good to yourselves <3 Blessings!


  1. Thanks, Jami! This appeared as I am emerging from a "dark night" period and is very welcome! I have printed it so I can make notes on ways I can protect myself.

    1. Welcome back! I am glad and honored that Spirit used these words to communicate with you. Be good to yourself <3 Blessings!

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