Friday, September 2, 2016

The Lunar Cycles, What Can We Gain From Their Symbolism?

Lunar cycles can be very meaningful and ritualistic in the growth of an individual. They are  usually in increments of 28 days to a cycle and each cycle has phases. These phases, if internalized, can help one grow and change according to their intentions and observation of these cycles and the symbolism tied to them.

We have a waxing moon, full moon, waning moon core, followed by the new moon cycle. Within this set there are also subsets of gibbous moon, meaning diminishing or increasing of illumination depending on if they are waxing or waning. The quarters fall into the gibbous stages and follow or precede the crescent just as it waxes full or wanes to new moon.

Just like the seasons have newness, growth, harvesting, then a time to rest before the cycles begin again. The moon too represents cyclic nature and continuing growth through change.

Some find meaning in following rituals either someone else's or of their own design. These rituals encourage awareness of the Lunar cycles and what they mean to the individual or group of participants. These rituals can be simple or complex. Either way it brings an awareness and connection to personal growth in cycles along with the cycles of the moon and seasonal cycles encouraging one to improve and carve out their path to wholenes.

There will be more talk about rituals, what they are, how to partake, and how they can enhance life in another post. In the meantime, this purpose of this post is to help some understand the ties between lunar cycles, and their connection to personal growth.


As the moon is waxing full we are seeing the fruits of the seeds of our intentions placed at New Moon. At Full Moon we discern what serves us well and what has not, lovingly releasing that which has not and adapting to create the changes we'd like to see come about for our benefit. As the moon wanes we rejoice in the accomplishments and continue to adapt and change for the greater good. Then at full circle at New Moon, we again reflect inward and plan our path to be closer to our heart's desires and plant the seeds of intentions for further growth. It is a beautiful thing.

I will save the matter of rituals for another post. I will however say that following the moon and syncing my spiritual path with its cycles is a beautifully sacred thing to me.

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