Monday, October 24, 2016

Stones That Work Well With the Lunar Energies of the Waning Moon

Here are some of the best stones to use during this time in the Lunar Cycles. They are all known as love stones. Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Ruby in Fuchsite, Kunzite and Danburite work well with self love and healing, exactly what is needed during the Waning Moon. 

Ruby in Fuchsite

Ruby in Fuchsite combines the qualities of Ruby and Fuchsite creating synergy for a beautiful heart stone. This stone is best known to help clear blockages within the heart, replacing negativity with pure loving energy. Use it to help clear destructive patterns and encourage new, loving ones.

Rhodochrosite is known to bring a sense of balance to life. It allows grace to deal with life's annoyances, bringing a sense of peace and freedom. This can bring a deep sense of happiness and relief from ongoing stress and inner conflicts.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love. It has been used to open the heart to all forms of love. Its high frequency is believed to give this stone the property of enhancing love in any situation. Bringing love into our daily life brings a balance that helps keep stress levels down. Rose Quartz has been known to bring a sense of peace to all around it. Because of the happiness and love associated with this stone it is known as a love stone.


Danburite is known to facilitate deep change and the ability to release what no longer serves one well. Use Danborite to bring about peaceful sleep, to stimulate the heart chakra, and to gain a closer connection to the Divine. It is believed that working with this stone can bring about spiritual and emotional healing and a generally positive outlook on life.


Kunzite is known as a calming, relaxation stone. Kunzite opens the heart to all forms of love. It has been used to relieve tension and bring about a peaceful disposition. Kunzite has subtle peaceful vibrations. The gentle energy of Kunzite helps to release blockages allowing one to be more receptive. Use Kunzite to release daily stress, calm nerves, anger and fear.


Rhodonite is a stone known for compassion, forgiveness, and release. Rhodonite has been known to bring peace to troubled relationships and bring peace in troubled times. Use Rhodonite to help discover innate talents, in meditation, and general healing work.

These wonderful Heart stones can bring much needed healing and strength. As we go through our sloughing off stages in releasing, coming to find and love  ourselves, finding forgiveness in our hearts, and learning to love unconditionally may we find peace and growth. 
Be good to yourselves - Blessings!

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